Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving...

Today is a day of giving thanks for the everyday things we take for granted.
The beauty of the world around us, the love of those nearest us, the appreciation of what we have, have had and hope to have in the future.
I thank God for my family and friends, the life God has given me and the here and now.
May your day be filled with Love and Thankfulness whether you are an American celebrating our Thanksgiving Day or a resident of the world simply acknowledging your life.
Thank you all for sharing a snippet of mine.


  1. Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes and may you have a Happy day too.

  2. You said it all beautifully. We should indeed be thankful to God " of what we have, have had and hope to have in the future".

    Although where I live we don't have a Thanksgiving Day, I'm always in mind and thought with those that do celebrate on this joyous day.
