Sunday, February 28, 2016

Artist's Fear...

(Cesar Santos painting)

Darkness surrounds as my muse steps into the light.

Creativity has alluded me these many days.  Beauty is everywhere but my desire has died.  I feel nothing.  Perhaps my greatest fear is realized--my artful soul is stilled, I cannot make beauty fly onto the canvas.  No spark.  The critics were right, my talent was just a flash, not real.  Some fantastic trick that will never come again.

She moves, only slightly, the air whispers as her robe drops away.  The stirrings begin; or are they imagined?  Such beauty must be preserved.  Perhaps they were wrong?  My brushes appear the paint comes alive my fingers are flying before my very eyes.  The beauty has spurred me to life once again.  The artist's alive--for now it would seem...

Magpie 307


  1. we all have those doubts and hopefully only for a moment!

    1. Having one now on a project I'm working on. Need my muse to drop her robe!! Thanks for dropping by.

  2. You've woven a magical story around this painting

    1. Thank you for your kind words--I am having difficulty with a writing project right now and can use words of encouragement. Thanks!

  3. Self doubt...the price we pay for being human.

  4. I would say that she could be a muse.

  5. Fears are part of life. We all have fears of some sort or another. Artists are more sensitive and their fears more subjective: am I good enough? what if no one will buy my work? what if my ideas will get stolen? am I original? etc...
    Well, the artist has to face these fears and try to overcome them like the rest of us.

    1. Thanks, Duta, you have cut to the chase. I'm not so sure that artists are quite like everyone else though--their sensitivity seems more fragile to me. When they finally do face their fears great things happen!

      So nice hearing from you, my friend.

  6. Creativity personified...beautiful...

    1. Thanks, Tess. Your prompt was too wonderful not to submit. Have a delightful day!

  7. It sounds like the muse was hiding and then found inspiration. We all have fears but, sometimes the critics aren't always right.

  8. Awakenings will arise when we least suspect. A wonderful depiction!

    1. Thank you so much. When I doubt myself most seems to be when I can accomplish greater goals--perhaps fear of failure makes us more able to achieve?

  9. The shift of attention from fear to that which is before you, such a great description of working into the work. :)

    1. Sometimes creativity challenges one to believe in ones self...or such is the case for me. Thanks for your encouraging comments.

  10. Self doubt lives within us all... however place yourself in the right place at the right time then throw in a little inspiration and doubt can dissolve into the distance...or into the canvas in this instance. Very relatable!

  11. Thank you, I find inspiration comes when I least expect it.
