Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Has Arrived...

For some reason I cannot wait for fall to arrive with its vivid colors.  Once here, however, I begin to dread the coming loss of all that beauty.  I suppose I am a contradiction since I love winter as much as fall.  Perhaps it's the end that I find disheartening even though a new beginning follows close behind.  At any rate, yesterday was a cloudy, rainy day and the Weeping Birch tree outside our window was muted even though the colors were still vivid.  I had to photograph them, fearing that the heavy rain was going to beat them from the tree.  Today, however, the sun is out and the leaves remain.  Isn't Nature wonderful?  She hung around to greet me another day.  Hope you enjoy my view.


  1. Lovely autumn leaves - this is the best time of year isn't it? British summer time ends here tonight, when we put our clocks back for one hour, so that tomorrow night it will be dark by five o'clock. I love the dark nights when we can draw the curtains, get cosy and read or sew or just sit with a drink and chat.

  2. The yellow in these two pictures is superb.
    There's always a bit of sadness when one season leaves and another one arrives.Each season being with its specific beauty, we find it difficult to part wih it.
