Monday, November 9, 2009

Alaskan Memories...

With my husband's flying I have been fortunate to have spent quite a bit of time in Alaska.  One of the things that most amazes me is the family ties that exist between bear sows and their cubs.  They are so gentle and caring with the little ones, but there are times when a smack occurs or a growling scold.  One must keep the little ones in line and teach them proper manners.  Here are a few of my photos of Moms teaching their cubs to fish.

Mom No. 1.  Notice the intent look on the little guy's face.  He's really trying to grasp her instructions.

Mom No. 2.  Her lessons have been learned, now watch closely, he's about to hit pay dirt...

Once caught, he took his Salmon to the shore so he
might enjoy the fruits of his labors.  This is such an
important time of year.  They must put on weight to
carry them through the long hibernation period.

Mom No. 3.  They aren't fishing, but I thought they were too cute not to post.  This little guy was so inquisitive and was about to get into all kinds of mischief.  This Mom had her hands full.

Should you ever have the opportunity to visit Alaska, by all means do so.  It is a wonderful place.


  1. The pictures are fascinating, and your photography shows you are very observing, nothing important escapes you.

  2. Those photos are magnificent...! Omigosh. And those are Grizzlies. How on earth did you get so close?

    The pictures are just beautiful. I clicked on them to enlarge them.

    You can almost hear the two bears "talking" to each other.

  3. I agree, those are fantastic photos. Hopefully, they were taken with a telephoto lens, though!

    BTW...I like the darker color of the blog background, the red seemed to scream at me. LOL

  4. Sue,

    There's something that makes me keep messing with my blog...not always with good results. I keep coming back to the dark background, I think it shows art and photography better. Now I'm not sure about the type colors. Oh, well, always in motion I guess. I'm envious of your AZ weather right now.

  5. We do have the PERFECT weather right now! But, we certainly deserve it after enduring the HOT summer we always do! Granted, Tom and I got to spend five whole weeks basking in the cool climes of Chama, NM but as for the rest of it, it was HOT! So, that is why we deserve the bestest place to be in Fall and Spring.

    I agree with the darker backgrounds showing the artwork and photos better, I have always ended up going right back to that lest I stray.

  6. These are wonderful photos of the grizzlies - so cute. Your blog is so interesting - I spent a LONG time reading your entries and enjoying your photos. My life parallels yours in many ways - especially your childhood - i found that section with the old photos very interesting.
