Friday, November 1, 2019
Happy November 1st, made it through Halloween! One of the watercolor groups I belong to are posting Christmas Cards (I know, it's too early) so I thought I would post one I did a while back. This is a depiction of my niece sledding in my parents front yard in Iowa. She was bundled so tight I'm not sure how she managed to get on the sled but she did have fun. Hope you enjoy seeing it.

Monday, October 28, 2019
I'm back...
I've been missing for quite some time but life has decided to calm down so that I can now return to my art/writing/photography and ultimately to my Blog. I hope you are all still here and that we can meet again. Coni
Now, for todays post. I am still working on learning watercolors. Here is my latest work in progress. It's of my husband at a younger age and is only just begun. Hope to be able to post as I proceed through the painting. For those of you who don't know, my husband is a past World Champion Bull Rider and is in the Bull Riding Hall of Fame. He was, is and always will be a 'Cowboy' and yes, he's a true Ginger! Your remarks are welcome, as always.
I've been missing for quite some time but life has decided to calm down so that I can now return to my art/writing/photography and ultimately to my Blog. I hope you are all still here and that we can meet again. Coni
Now, for todays post. I am still working on learning watercolors. Here is my latest work in progress. It's of my husband at a younger age and is only just begun. Hope to be able to post as I proceed through the painting. For those of you who don't know, my husband is a past World Champion Bull Rider and is in the Bull Riding Hall of Fame. He was, is and always will be a 'Cowboy' and yes, he's a true Ginger! Your remarks are welcome, as always.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Thursday, June 9, 2016
New Painting Underway...
OK, so I have my sketch done for the new painting. Promised Sandra to post as I go along. Sketch is rough and some of the lines you see indicate shadow/light areas. This is not a drawing as you would see if it were going to be a finished drawing. This experience is making me reach deep since I seldom do a sketch when I use my oil paints. That coupled with the fact that I am teaching myself to handle watercolor (with the assistance of some wonderful people in The Watercolor Workshop) makes for a challenge. Feel free to comment but remember, I cry easily!! (Smile) Sorry about the water spots on the source photo--I'm a messy painter!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
I write, therefor I am...
I am, therefor I write...
A vicious circle but one I would not change for the world.
When my mind is still it seeks solace in creating scenes of Love and Lust, Innocence and Evil, Mercy and Malevolence, Compassion and Cruelty...
Human nature has always intrigued me. How some people can have goodness in them and share their gifts freely and compassionately with others while their counterparts have no remorse for their hateful, hurtful deeds--taking joy in the amount of pain and unhappiness they cause.
While I have known people from both sides of this equation I prefer to focus my artistic endeavours on the beautiful souls in the world.
Perhaps if everyone were to do the same we could teach the world to sing--or at least to tap their toes to an Irish jig...
I am, therefor I write...
A vicious circle but one I would not change for the world.
When my mind is still it seeks solace in creating scenes of Love and Lust, Innocence and Evil, Mercy and Malevolence, Compassion and Cruelty...
Human nature has always intrigued me. How some people can have goodness in them and share their gifts freely and compassionately with others while their counterparts have no remorse for their hateful, hurtful deeds--taking joy in the amount of pain and unhappiness they cause.
While I have known people from both sides of this equation I prefer to focus my artistic endeavours on the beautiful souls in the world.
Perhaps if everyone were to do the same we could teach the world to sing--or at least to tap their toes to an Irish jig...
![]() |
Michael Flatley (Lord of the Dance) |
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned...
As a child, curiosity toward religions plagued me. I attended many churches with my friends trying to understand the complexities and simple differences they professed. Now please understand, I was a child of seven or eight at this time. One beautiful Sunday morning I set out to attend the fundamentalist Christian church that my closest friend went to. The service was lovely (lots of hymn singing and a bit of the fire and brimstone preaching I had been warned about by my friend). I found it all exciting. The hymns were not so different from my own family's church, but then came time for Communion... An ardent observer of people (even at this early age), I watched as the Communion tray passed from person to person. When it reached me, I did as I had seen others do and broke a small piece of the bread (cracker) from the tray, placing it in my mouth and waiting for the wine tray that followed. (When in Rome...) Following church when we were safely outside, my friend pulled me aside and instilled the greatest fear I have ever known. "YOU are going to HELL!!" she said. "Why?" I asked. "YOU took Communion but you are not baptised as a Christian!" Now here it gets a bit sticky--I was a child but I believe I had an acute power of deduction and for me it wasn't working. I believed in God, I did not realise what I had done was considered a mortal sin in the eyes of the members of this church, I had only acted as a child would. Would God commit me to burn in hell as my friend said or would He understand that a child was innocent of sin when that sin was committed without knowledge. This question has plagued me for years. Even now, as a full-grown adult, I suffer from the fear that my friend's words may have been true and that I may be facing eternity in a place I have no desire to be. Will the life I have lived be able to save me from this fate? Would one transgression as a child doom me? Bless me, Father, for I have sinned...
Monday, March 21, 2016
The Gift...
It was apparent, even then, that she was 'special'. Her gift, they said, came from her mother's side but that was never proven. She used it from a very early age--seeking small things at first but then wielding it's full power as she grew. It was only a matter of time before the people knew that she possessed the 'gift' but they waited to see which way she would chose--light or dark. They didn't have long to wait. This is perhaps the only photo in existence today of Bellatrix as a child. All others are gone--burned with her body on the hill overlooking the sea. These powers are not to be toyed with, you see...
by: C Hummel Kornell
for: J.K. Rowlings & her fans
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
For Charity...
This is beautiful! Another of Michael's albums (On a Different Note) is also available at iTunes and both are on Amazon.
You can download Michael Flatley's release, a tribute to the Irish heroes of The Rising 1916 with @FlanBrian on https://itunes.apple.com/
All proceeds go to charity.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Magpie 308
The words--written, read, revised and sent. A piece of my heart goes with them. The world's too cruel to understand how love can hurt so much. The dreams were once so much alive and hours pass before they die. The healing will take a while but life goes on (a little sigh). Love must be earned. But sometimes it comes unbidden, choses us, burns bright then dies. A cruel joke when not returned.
C Hummel Kornell
The words--written, read, revised and sent. A piece of my heart goes with them. The world's too cruel to understand how love can hurt so much. The dreams were once so much alive and hours pass before they die. The healing will take a while but life goes on (a little sigh). Love must be earned. But sometimes it comes unbidden, choses us, burns bright then dies. A cruel joke when not returned.
C Hummel Kornell
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Artist's Fear...
(Cesar Santos painting)
Darkness surrounds as my muse steps into the light.
Creativity has alluded me these many days. Beauty is everywhere but my desire has died. I feel nothing. Perhaps my greatest fear is realized--my artful soul is stilled, I cannot make beauty fly onto the canvas. No spark. The critics were right, my talent was just a flash, not real. Some fantastic trick that will never come again.
She moves, only slightly, the air whispers as her robe drops away. The stirrings begin; or are they imagined? Such beauty must be preserved. Perhaps they were wrong? My brushes appear the paint comes alive my fingers are flying before my very eyes. The beauty has spurred me to life once again. The artist's alive--for now it would seem...
Magpie 307
Friday, February 26, 2016
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Ketchikan, AK
Monday, February 15, 2016
Native Bathing Girl...
This is one of my original oils. Guess I'm having a 'play day' today. I've been working for several hours to get a decent photo of this painting so I could post it. Finally, with the suggestion of a FB friend, I think I have it. While I paint in oils, watercolors & Sumi-e, I always revert to my oils when I am seriously wanting to create. This painting was created without a plan--I began with the sky and designed it as I worked my way down the canvas (not suggesting anyone do it this way). There are times when inspiration takes over and I just have to let it go--this was one of those times. This place exists only in my mind--warped as it sometimes is, there is always beauty there! I think I'm happy with the result. Let me know your thoughts, if you have any for me.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
My Valentine's Wish for You...
While searching for an image that would convey my Love for all my Friends & Family I came across a watercolor I did of my youngest son, Christopher, when he was little. No hearts, no candy, just pure simple LOVE. This is what I wish for all of You on this coming Valentine's Day. I Love You One and All. Coni
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Waves...(Magpie 305)
Standing on the beach, I'd known this time would come; the man I'd taken for my lover has returned to his one and only love. I'd had him for an instant, my heart so full of joy, but it was the sea who held him, who made his life complete. I could fight another woman, win his affections for a while, but never could I challenge the waves throughout all time. He'd come to me when needing contact from another soul, but now he'd returned to the depths that gave him so much more. Some may say that I'd been foolish for taking him to breast, but never could they understand t'was for me, I'd not been brash. He's left me little console, but given me so much--the joy of his presence, the rapture of his touch. So while the sea may take him, he'll live onward in my heart. I suffer from his leaving but was nourished by his love.
copyrighted: C Hummel Kornell
NOTE: To all Magpie Writers, please view my last Magpie a couple of postings below. I'm rather proud of it and would like to know your thoughts...
Friday, February 5, 2016
Soul Mates?
Have you ever met someone for the first time and felt that they were an old friend? An unexplainable connection from somewhere deep within your soul? I am not trying to set aside formal religious beliefs, but I have had two occasions in my life where the people I have come into contact with feel like old friends. Does this connection of souls come from another time and place? Before you label me daft, think about whether this may have happened to you or someone you know. I'd love to hear if you have similar stories.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Homage to Michael Flatley's 'Lord of the Dance'...
photo by Francesca Woodman
The silence complete
Darkness surrounds
The air is electric
As drumming resounds
A single bright light
Appears on the stage
A figure is twirling
Her movement is sage
The drums pound a tempo
Lights flash in reply
The audience breathes
A single soft sigh
He flies onto the stage
The Lord arrives
His movement is fluid
The audience cries
For one wondrous moment
All worries forgot
Good over evil
Is always the plot
Our Lord of the Dance
Gives his all to the crowd
Satisfaction apparent
Applause is so Loud…
Copyrighted: C Hummel
The silence complete
Darkness surrounds
The air is electric
As drumming resounds
A single bright light
Appears on the stage
A figure is twirling
Her movement is sage
The drums pound a tempo
Lights flash in reply
The audience breathes
A single soft sigh
He flies onto the stage
The Lord arrives
His movement is fluid
The audience cries
For one wondrous moment
All worries forgot
Good over evil
Is always the plot
Our Lord of the Dance
Gives his all to the crowd
Satisfaction apparent
Applause is so Loud…
Copyrighted: C Hummel
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Age of Innocence...

Children played, the days were fun
There were no terrorists
We all had guns
Our public gatherings posed no threats
Until the advent of sinister plots
Children watch; days are dark
Within our midst are souls who hate
No longer safe within our parks
Our children cower in their homes
Afraid to roam the streets alone
In the name of accepting all
We lose ourselves before our fall.
Copyrighted - C Hummel Kornell
MagPie 298
Friday, December 11, 2015
Merry Christmas to All...
This is how I think of Christmas. Beautiful winter snows and a home filled with love. This is a painting I did a few years back and as I was looking for a suitable Christmas Wish photo for all my friends I decided to use it again. May all your days be filled with Joy and your Hearts be full of Christmas Cheer. God Bless Us, One and All. Coni
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Sunday, June 14, 2015
I waited by the phone
For the call that did not come
I waited all alone
But you did not come home
An explanation never came
As to why you went away
I whispered out your name
But why you did not stay
Alluded me so long
It ate about my soul
Until it left nothing
filling up the hole
So many years have passed
But that call's still on my mind
Why couldn't you have called
Why could you not be kind
C Hummel Kornell
Sunday, March 22, 2015
The Demise...
The Demise...
The Spirits listened as strangers approached
A path through the woods seldom used
Their footfalls were soft, muffled by fallen debris
The trees felt fear, leaves quaking in the sun
Except for their roots they'd take off and run
Birds silenced their songs
While all became still
What could be coming from off of the hill?
The earth she did tremble from footfalls so near
Where once there was peace was now only fear
Then man stepped among them and everything changed
Houses were built where wildlife once ranged
So many years later the landscape is gone
Where beauty and quiet once filled the space
Havoc and hatred have now taken their place
God created the beauty, then made His mistake
He placed there inside it the whole human race
Copyrighted by: C Hummel Kornell
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
View from my window...
Prairie Winter...
Actually I grew up in southwest Iowa where winter snowstorms and summer tornadoes are a fact of everyday life. I can remember waking in my freezing bedroom, as a child, to the sparkling aftermath of an ice storm. Single pane glass windows frozen solid on the inside. These provided blank canvases for a young artist's fervent designs drawn with a fingernail into the crusty ice. I must admit I find the most awesome beauty, still today, in the aftermath of an ice storm when everything is encased in a shroud of crystal. Today I wanted to share my view with you and feel this is an appropriate time to wish each and everyone a Very Blessed and Merry Christmas! God Bless Us, One & All.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Thursday Market
DON'T FORGET TODAY IS THURSDAY MARKET DAY! Come join us at South Perry Street's Thursday INDOOR Market. The Market is now open across the street from it's summer location in the Yoga Studio. While the weather outside is frightful, the market inside is delightful, since you've no place to go--let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! See you there today 3:00 to 6:30. Kornell's Kountry Fudge (Bill & Coni)
Don't forget, if you want to share fudge with your loved ones you can order by emailing us at kornellskorner@gmail.com
Sunday, October 26, 2014
She stood before me in the middle of the floor, strewn with the snacks and leftover coffee that had seen me through the night. The timid smile creasing her thin little face spoke volumes with no words being said. My greatest achievement was not the cable-stitched knee socks I had designed just for her--it was this shy little girl.
MAGPIE 243 (Tess Kincaid)
MAGPIE 243 (Tess Kincaid)
TODAY WILL BE OUR LAST DAY AT SIEMER'S FARM ON GREENBLUFF! Why don't you all plan on having a fun Fall outing and head on up? They have all the fresh Fall produce (Pumpkins, Squash, Apples, Onions, Beets, Potatoes...) and you can go to the fields to choose the very ones you want. The fresh pies are baking and the apple cider is waiting. Bill and I will be in our fudge booth with lots of luscious fudges on hand. There is live music, train rides, the corn maze, face painters and lots of fun stuff for the kids. Don't miss Sands Trails wonderful pickled asparagus and dilly beans and Siemer's Pumpkin Donuts (hot out of the pot)! We have had a wonderful month of October meeting and making new friends in the heart of the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
For those of you who do not live in the Spokane, WA area please consider visiting a farmer's market near you.
We look forward to hearing from you all.
Bill and Coni
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Out on the farm...
Our girls are growing up. The wee little eggs they were laying have grown into huge brown, tan, white and, yes, even green Giants. One of the gals is an over-achiever and has been laying double yokes since the first. I'm not sure which one she is, but will keep watching and let you know. Bill fences them out of the garden and they fly over the fence so he decides to let them have the garden so we can keep track of who's laying and you guessed it, they fly out! We clip wings and still they can maneuver the fence. I guess they are 'free-range' chickens in the purist of senses.
Our only Silky who was lovenly named 'Joan Jett' by my daughter-in-law turned out to be 'Keith Richards'! We are trying to figure out how to fix a head band on him and teach him to play guitar.Like Keith, he is a handsome fella! And now you are caught up on the spoiled fowl from the Kornell/Wilson chicken coup.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Our Exciting News...
Well, I have been missing for some time but have been busy creating our new business. What, you might ask yourself, do a World Champion Bull Rider and an Iowa Farm Girl have in common? The answer is, CHOCOLATE! So, as of this week, we have started our Kornell's Korner Fudge business. I am busy trying to setup our website and blog as well as participating in:
The Perry Street Farmer's Market on Thursdays (https://www.facebook.com/pages/South-Perry-Farmers-Market/118908248137385) and
The Chewelah Farmer's Market (http://chewelahfarmersmarket.blogspot.com) on Fridays.
We are excited to also offer shipping of our fabulous old-fashioned Fudge so if you are interested, please contact us at: kornellskorner@gmail.com.
The Perry Street Farmer's Market on Thursdays (https://www.facebook.com/pages/South-Perry-Farmers-Market/118908248137385) and
The Chewelah Farmer's Market (http://chewelahfarmersmarket.blogspot.com) on Fridays.
We are excited to also offer shipping of our fabulous old-fashioned Fudge so if you are interested, please contact us at: kornellskorner@gmail.com.
Vanilla Raspberry
Dark Chocolate Almond
Penuche w/Pecans
Milk Chocolate Walnut
Vanilla Butterfinger
Dark Chocolate Strawberry
Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter
Buy 1 pound ($14.00 + S/H), Get 1/2 pound FREE!
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
The Oscars...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013
A New Approach...

Let me know what you think.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Sunflower from the Heart...
Last summer I painted a Sunflower for my dear friend, Kathy. When I was home a couple of weeks ago she showed me how she had framed it and placed it in her home. I thought you might enjoy seeing how it all turned out. For some reason, Sunflowers always remind me of life. May yours be filled with Sunflowers and Happy Days.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday's Catch at Clover Passage, Ak...
75 pound Halibut caught at Clover Passage, Alaska
The halibut is the largest of the flat fish family averaging 24–30 lbs, however catches as large as 730 lbs have been reported. They are gray-black on the top side with an off-white underbelly and have very small scales invisible to the naked eye making the skin more like leather. At birth, they have an eye on each side of the head, and swim like a salmon. After six months, one eye migrates to the other side, making them look more like a flounder. At this time the stationary-eyed side darkens to match the top side, while the other side remains white. This color scheme disguises the halibut from above by blending it with the ocean floor and from below by blending it into the light from the sky.
In my humble opinion, this is one of the tastiest morsels found in our North Pacific waters.
Rock Fish caught at Clover Passage, Alaska
Friday, May 31, 2013
Decorator Crab...
Wonders exist beneath the cold waters of the Inland Passage.
A friend has been teaching us about trapping shrimp in a pot.
Normally, when you pull the pot you have shrimp (did I mention they are the size of prawns?).
However, recently we have been finding other lifeforms in the pot.
Here is a Decorator Crab, with his buddy the shrimp.
He decorates his body to match his environment so he can easily fool his prey.
We put him back in the ocean after taking his picture for posterity.
As for the shrimp, not so lucky. He became a tasty morsel for our table, along with several of his friends. YUM!
In addition to the little crab, my son brought up a foot long Sea Cucumber which we had never seen before. After putting it back in the sea he found out that they sell for about $40.00 per pound. Who knew?
Finally, we have pulled up two large Octopus. Nope, no photo of them, all I can say is they are a bit more scary in real live than in documentaries. The smallest one was about 5' long.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Beautiful Alaska
The beauty of Alaska. This is the view from the window of our RV looking out over Clover Passage outside of Ketchikan. I have seen an awesome humpback whale who breached, blew and rolled just this side of the boat you see in the photo. I was standing on the shore only feet from where this happened. Eagles perch on the three piers you see to the right of center in the photo. What majestic birds they are. It rains here, approximately 162" each year, but when the skies clear and the sun shines you tend to forget that. This is truly a beautiful place. If you get a chance, please don't hesitate to visit. The friendly people at Clover Pass Resort offer fishing packages and tours to fit all needs. They catch salmon, halibut and a variety of other fish. Should you get up this way be sure and tell them I sent you!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Toy Room...MagPie 166
Illustration by Helen Ward
Provided by Tess Kincaid, MagPie 166
The playroom sat silent
The children all spent
The clutter was cleared
As nighttime appeared
With evening came solace
To review our day
Never thinking of toys
That come out to play
We sit in our chairs
Our slippers in place
Our chins on our chests
All ready for rest
Our children they dream
of toys having fun
They know they'll be gone
before coming sun
Original Copyrighted Work by: C Hummel Kornell
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